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City of Crete Nebraska


Public Works


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The Public Works Utility Office main entrance is on the ground floor on the south side of City Hall, accessed from Linden Ave.

City of Crete
Departments of Public
Utilities and Payments

City Hall - 243 E. 13th Street
(Utility Office main entrance on south side)
P.O. Box 86
Crete, NE 68333
Phone: 402.826.4312
Public Works Directory

Utility Accounts 


Utility Rates

Billing Statements


Energy Efficiency Programs

Making a Payment


Utilities Disconnect Policy

Utility Accounts:

  • A Utility Service Application must be filed in person with the Public Works Utility Office to set up a utility account;
    • Billing includes electric, water, and wastewater services provided by the City of Crete and trash collection, with optional recycling service, franchised through The Garbage Company;
    • Natural gas is separate from city service and provided by Black Hills Energy, 888-890-5554.
  • A service deposit is required on all addresses; transferable if the resident moves to a new address within City service;
  • Current utility customers who change residences in town or move out of Crete must update or terminate their service account at the Utility Office.
  • If residents have any ongoing or immediate utilities issues or concerns they should call the Public Works Office. If situations occur after regular business hours, calls to this number will be answered by dispatchers who will notify the proper on-call city personnel. This is the most direct and efficient way to contact the city regarding these issues.
  • City Hall is open Monday - Friday, from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Billing Statements:

  • All utility billing statements are mailed the last business day of the month;
  • Bills are due by 5:00 p.m. on the 15th of each month;
  • Bills paid by the 15th include a 10% discount; accounts paid after this due date are subject to forfeiture of this discount;
  • Accounts not paid by the due date receive a delinquent notice; a disconnect date is noted on the original bill and the delinquent notice;
  • All accounts left unpaid at 9:00 a.m. on the disconnect day are considered disconnected, regardless of actual physical disconnection. To resume service, customers are required to pay billing due along with a $35.00 reconnect fee plus $5.00 collection charge ($40 total) for each instance of disconnection. (See the Utilities Disconnect Policy below for more information regarding specific situations and assistance.)

Download the Xpress Bill Pay mobile app available for both iPhone and Android
 Making a Payment:

  • Personal checks, money orders, cash, or debit/credit cards are accepted without additional fees;
  • Pay in person at the Public Works Utility Office at City Hall, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (drive-thru and night drop available)
    • Customers must have utility bill with them when making a payment in person; if using the night drop, please use an envelope or otherwise attach bottom portion of bill to payment;
  • Pay by mail to City of Crete Public Works Department, 243 East 13th Street, Crete, NE 68333
    • Please include bottom portion of utility bill with payment;
  • Make a payment online or download the Xpress Bill Pay mobile app for iPhone or Android
    • 'Xpress Bill Pay' is the City's online payment service for utility accounts;
    • Patrons will be asked to sign up with an email and password on Xpress Bill Pay;
    • After online signup, customers must add the City of Crete as their utility account, then enter the account number on their paper bill (without the decimal);
    •  Autopay and paperless billing options available through Xpress Bill Pay;
    • There are no additional credit/debit card fees when using online payments.
  • If you have any other questions, call or visit the Public Works Office at City Hall.

Utility Rates:

  • City Master Fee Schedule includes rates and fees for city electrical, water, and sewer service for residential, commercial, or industrial customers. View the Master Fee Schedule
  • Garbage and Recycling Weekly Collection: Residential Rates - MonthlySingle Tote: $21.17; Two Totes: $26.21Seasonal Yard Waste: $12.00. A separate recycling tote is included free of charge. Commercial Rates: Totes and dumpsters are available with options for the number of weekly collections. Contact The Garbage Company directly at 1-800-322-4272.
  • Please see the Public Works sections at left for more information on these City departments.

Energy Efficiency Programs

The City of Crete Department of Public Works, in partnership with its wholesale electric power supplier, the Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska, is continuing to provide five energy efficiency programs to assist in lowering energy costs for local utility customers through energy efficiency improvements. Find more information and application materials.

Utilities Disconnect Policy:

Billing disputes: If you have a dispute over a utility bill, you may file a written request with the Public Works Department, located at City Hall, 243 East 13th Street, Crete Nebraska 68333, Prior to the disconnect date, stating the area of dispute and the relief requested. The Public Works Department shall schedule a conference within fourteen (14) days and notify you in writing by first class mail or in person of the time and place it will be held. No disconnect will be made until the conference is concluded. 

Existing illness or handicap: Disconnection may be prevented upon presentation, within five (5) days of receiving a disconnect notice, of the duly licensed physician's certificate which shall certify that a domestic subscriber or resident within such subscriber's household has an existing illness or handicap which would cause such subscriber or resident to suffer an immediate and serious health hazard by the disconnection of the utility. This shall prevent the disconnection of the utility's service for a period of thirty (30) days from the filing. Only one (1) postponement shall be allowed for each incidence of any due date. 

Reconnection fees: If a disconnect is made, reconnection may be made during regular working hours, upon payment of your account in full, plus a reconnection charge $35.00 and a $5.00 collection charge. After hours, or on weekends or holidays, you may call our service person at 402- 826-4312, and upon payment of your account, plus a reconnection charge of $50.00 and a $5.00 collection charge, service will be restored. 

Installment payments and public assistance: A domestic subscriber may arrange installment payments for this bill by consulting our office staff. Welfare recipients may qualify for assistance in payment of a utility bill. Welfare recipients should contact their caseworkers regarding this matter. 

Outside Services:

  • Spectrum Cable - 1-800-248-8823
  • Allo Fiber - 1-531.291.5055
  • Black Hills Energy (natural gas company) - 1-888-890-5554
  • Windstream (local telephone service) - 1-800-347-1991; Repair Service - 611
  • Other television and phone services available, check local directory